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Utah Antidiscrimination and Labor Division

Our Mission

Investigate and resolve employment and housing discrimination complaints and enforce Utah’s minimum wage, wage payment requirements and laws which protect youth in employment.

Through their successful Education & Outreach Program, the Division also promotes public awareness through educational presentations and training workshops.

Employment Discrimination

Enforces the Utah Antidiscrimination Act and the Utah Employment Selection Procedures Act.

Fair Housing

Enforces the Utah Fair Housing Act.

Wage Claim

Enforces the Utah Payment of Wages Act, the Utah Minimum Wage Act and the Utah Employment of Minors Act.

Public Service Forgiveness Program

The PSLF Program allows eligible borrowers to qualify for forgiveness of the remaining balance loans.

Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program

The purpose of the TLFP is to provide an incentive for individuals to teach, as well as to incentivize teaching in elementary and secondary schools that serve low-income families.