Voluntary Protection Program
Who We Are
The Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) promotes effective worksite-based safety and health. In the
VPP, management, labor, and Utah Occupational Safety and Health (UOSH) establish cooperative
relationships at workplaces that have implemented a comprehensive safety and health management
system. Approval into VPP is UOSH’s official recognition of the outstanding efforts of employers and
employees who have achieved exemplary occupational safety and health.
What We Do
The VPP, which began in 1982, has improved worker safety and health in all industries. Statistics show that the typical VPP worksite has a Days Away Restricted or Transferred (DART) case rate of 52% below the average for its industry. Most VPP sites do not start out with such low rates. Reductions in injuries and illnesses begin when the site commits to the VPP approach to safety and health management and the challenging VPP application process. Fewer injuries and illnesses mean greater profits as workers’ compensation premiums and other associated costs decrease.
How Can This Program Benefit You?
Employer Benefits
VPP worksites benefit from improved employee morale, increased employee attendance and productivity, higher employee retention and a competitive edge when competing against companies who are not part of the VPP.
Employee Benefits
Employees at VPP worksites are directly involved in creating and managing safety and health programs and processes, have a true partnership with management, and show greater pride in their work.
UOSH Benefits
The VPP and VPP companies help promote the value of safety and health, and assists UOSH with developing partnerships which help to leverage their limited resources.
VPP Companies in Utah

Become a Special Government Employee (SGE)
Special Government Employees work for VPP companies and attend a three day class to enable them to assist UOSH and OSHA with reviewing applications and annual submissions, and assisting with the on-site audit of companies who have had their applications accepted. With the limited resources that UOSH has the SGEs are a crucial part of the VPP. VPP companies provide the resources necessary for a SGE to travel to assist with the audits.
Region VIII consists of the states of Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota. Each year Region VIII hosts an annual safety and health conference for VPP and interested companies.
Utah VPP Alliance
The Alliance consists of current VPP companies in Utah and those that are interested. Quarterly meetings are held to share best practices, network, and continue the growth of VPP in the state of Utah. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alliance, please contact Evelyn Partner, UOSH Compliance Assistance Specialist and VPP Coordinator at (801) 580-2997 or via email at epartner@utah.gov.

Frequently Asked Questions
The VPP was designed primarily for fixed worksites, however Mobile Workforces are also eligible for acceptance into the VPP.
Contact the UOSH VPP Coordinator Evelyn Partner at 801-580-2997 or epartner@utah.gov
UOSH follows the same policies that OSHA has instituted
Through the Voluntary Protection Program Participants’ Association (VPPPA) mentors are available to assist. The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association, Inc. (VPPPA) – The Premier Global Safety and Health Organization™, is the leading organization dedicated to cooperative occupational safety, health and environmental management systems. VPPPA, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is a member-based association, providing a network of more than 2,300 companies and worksites who have achieved or are striving for occupational safety and health excellence, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) or the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). Learn more https://vpppa.org/