Industrial Accidents Resources
About Us
The Industrial Accidents resource section includes miscellaneous resources available associated with Utah’s workers’ compensation system.
Outreach and Training Programs
The goal of the Outreach Coordinator is to educate the public on the Workers’ Compensation system in Utah. Upon request, adate and time will be arranged for an Outreach Coordinator to come to your work site or meeting place, or provide a teleconference or web conference (webinar) to conduct an informational presentation.
The presentation is designed to meet the needs of your particular group whether they are for medical providers, employers, employee groups, associations, unions, insurance providers, etc.
For more information about Outreach and Training Programs, please contact (801) 530-6271 or

Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification
Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification is an inquiry website that allows you to view an employers’ Workers’ Compensation Coverage information. With a few exceptions, Utah law requires employers to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage for their employees working in Utah. If you suspect an employer is wrongfully operating without workers’ compensation insurance, please contact the Industrial Accidents Division’s Compliance Section at
(801) 530-6800.
When clicking on the Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification link below, you will go to an external website maintained by the National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc (NCCI). NCCI is the largest provider of workplace injury data and statistics in the nation. The Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification site requires Cookies and JavaScript to be enabled to function correctly.
Workers’ Compensation Coverage Verification provides searchable information on Utah employers’ workers’ compensation insurance coverage from 1986. The Proof of Coverage data is electronically updated daily. The accuracy of this “third party” data cannot be guaranteed by the Industrial Accidents Division or the Utah Labor Commission. The Proof of Coverage data is NOT a legal verification of coverage or lack of coverage. For specific information or questions (and workers’ compensation coverage information prior to 1986), contact the Industrial Accidents Division’s Compliance Section at (801) 530-6800.

Employee Misclassification
What is worker misclassification?
Worker misclassification occurs when an employer improperly classifies an employee as an “independent contractor” or “member” of a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in order to avoid legal obligations that arise from the employer/employee relationship.
Who suffers when workers are misclassified?
- Workers: Workers improperly classified as “independent contractors” or “members” of LLCs may lose protections of federal and state laws such as workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, payment of wages (including minimum wage and overtime), occupational safety and health, and employment discrimination.
- Employers: By misclassifying workers in order to avoid their legal obligations, unscrupulous employers undercut their responsible, law-abiding competitors. In other words, employers who misclassify obtain an unfair competitive advantage against honest employers.
- The General Public: Worker misclassification leads to “cost shifting”—costs of workplace injuries or unemployment that should be paid by an employer are shifted to the government, insurance companies and others. This results in higher health care costs, insurance premiums, is a drain on public assistance and charity, and loss of tax revenues.
How to report worker misclassification
If you think an employer is misclassifying workers, please notify the Utah Labor Commission by calling (801) 530-6112. Commission staff will discuss your complaint with you and then take appropriate action to investigate the complaint.